I love where I live!
I love summer in Ontario. This crossed my mind as I was on the 401 for a small stretch in my town with busy traffic. So you would think the opposite 😂😁. But I realized I get a happy feeling when I see cars with different provincial or state plates, see all the RV’s, see the cars with bikes and kayaks attached, see cars loaded with kids and the back window covered with bags and stuff. It reminds me of all the summer vacations that I have had when I was a kid, the ones I had with my kids and now the adventures we go on as empty nesters.
The great thing about where we live is there is something for all budgets. It could be a picnic at a local park or beach, camping, a summer visit to your favorite aunt or grandmas or visiting so many different cities and attractions.
As I am getting older I really have started to really pay attention to the small stuff and feel such gratitude that I get to live here and experience these things. It is as simple as noticing the cornfield as I drive by or the campfire I am sitting around. I have learned to allow these things to give me peace. And I did purposefully choose the word “allow”. I think we have to condition ourselves to be ok with slowing down and really seeing what a lot of times in our lives we thought was inconsequential. Well I have come to realize those small things we take for granted are the most important things to bring us peace and we are so fortunate to live in a place that they are all around us.
Please try to slowdown and find your peace. Look to all those little things around you and see the beauty and then a whole new world opens up. So yes that traffic in the summer puts a smile on my face at times as I wonder what adventures that car is heading for. So try not to always see the traffic, try not to get frustrated, try to imagine the excitement of the people inside the vehicles because of where they are going ❤️.
Hope you enjoyed my pics of places I travel to in the summer, Stratford, Lindsay, Niagara Falls, St. Jacob's, Camping/Kingston, Toronto, Sauble Beach, Quinte West, Peterborough, Ottawa