COVID-19 - A day in the life at Vivacious Clothing and Day Spa
I am now almost 4 weeks of having the store closed. I have kept a “normal” routine and gone to the store every day and worked quietly by myself. When you have your own business there are always things to do and so much that you never seem to get to. I think this is a good time to start a blog! I was going to start by talking about me, maybe new things I am doing, tips on fashion but when I started to write the first subject that was important to me was my dad. Here goes!
For those that know the store well know my dad well also. In “normal” times he comes to the store a few times a day, runs my errands, brings me lunch (that my mom makes), cleans the garbage in the store and the spa and any little things that need to get done. When there are a few things to get done, I text my mom to let dad know so he can plan his day accordingly. My dad walks at least 3 times a day and does all his groceries by walking to each store. Until recently he probably has not missed a day going into Metro for the past 8 years. My parents sold their home and moved into an apartment right beside downtown and my store about 8 years ago.
Dad is a constant in the store. When Shannon is working in the Spa on Thursday and Friday’s he always stops in and talks to her and her clients. If you know my dad talking also consists of joking around with a bit of a bite to his humor.
He looks a bit like a vagabond, buys all his clothes at the thrift stores (one of his favorite places to visit multiple times a week) and he is always carrying his reusable shopping bag. I think a lot of people know him to see him just from the man that walks around town every day. Before they moved to the apartment they lived on Fourth Ave and he always walked everyday either to Walmart or downtown. He needs to have a destination for his walks, he doesn’t walk idly lol!
That brings us to COVID-19 and my dad. At first we could not get him to stop. His routine is what keeps him relevant, active and healthy. He went down to going to Metro once a day and coming to see me at the store coming in the back door. He was still going to each store though to shop their sale/flyer items which puts him in the stores at the worst time when everyone else is trying to do the same thing. How can we fault them, if you are on a fixed income or have lost your job, every penny definitely counts. I honestly wish the large national chains would figure out how to still offer their sales but in a safer environment for all.
My dad is 78 years old. He is in fairly good health but has a couple of issues that go along with age. He also had a real scare 18 months ago that landed him in the hospital and was never diagnosed. His care at Quinte Health Care was exceptional, they did so many tests and took it very seriously. I think it could have been a flu or virus that went really wrong but he was able to fight it and survive. My mom, is 77 years old. She has a heart condition that is managed with medication. They both live great lives but they are the highest at risk for COVID-19 to be something worse than a mild case.
Two weeks ago, my siblings and I all sending texts to my mom that she would read to dad (he hates a regular telephone so forget about a cellphone!) helped mom convince him to change his routine. He is letting us get groceries for them and drop off on their patio. He goes for a walk once a day but in a quieter area. They are fortunate to have a walk out with patio so he tinkers outside there. Soon he will be able to plant his flowers outside his patio as well. His spirits have been very good mom says and he has adapted. I am so proud of him. We actually dropped off an iphone at their apartment Easter Sunday so the whole family could do a group facetime and they could see everyone including their grand kids that are out of town. My mom managed the technology at their end but you have know idea how far outside his comfort zone this is. Dad doesn’t even use an ATM machine!
This is a man that loves to be outside and moving but he has a adapted to what needs to be his new “normal” right now to keep our community safe. I cannot wait though for the day that I can open the doors to the store and see him a few times a day again.